לוח שנה

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חדשות והודעות

צרו קשר

ראש החוג: פרופ' שרון קרישק
יועץ תואר ראשון: ד"ר פרסטון וורנר
יועץ תואר שני: פרופ' ארנון לוי
רכזת החוג: מעיין אוחנה
טלפון: 02-5883759
(אם לא קיבלתם.ן מענה בטלפון - אנא שלחו דואר אלקטרוני ונחזור אליכם.ן בהקדם האפשרי)
שעות קבלה: ימים א-ה 11:30-14:30
חדר 45403 (4503) הפקולטה למדעי הרוח




כנס "מברגסון ללוינס: משמעות האנושי" 30-31.10.22

א', 30/10/2022 עד ב', 31/10/2022
כנס לוינס



From Bergson to Levinas: « The meaning of the human »

A France-Israel Workshop


Sunday, October 30th – Monday, October 31st 2022

At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

(Beit Maiersdorf, Mount Scopus) and on Zoom


In memoriam of Prof. Sol Neely (1973-2022)

Outstanding Levinas scholar

Co-founder and first president of the North American Levinas Society 




Joëlle Hansel & Michel Olivier (Collège international de philosophie, Paris)

Michael Roubach (The Hebrew University, Jerusalem)


With the support of:

Collège international de philosophie (Ciph, Paris)

S.H. Bergman Center for Philosophical Research (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Société Internationale de Recherche Emmanuel Levinas (SIREL, Paris)

LSMU Emmanuel Levinas Center (Kaunas, Lithuania)



Registration to attend on zoom:



Theoretical works, novels, poetry, essays, literary, artistic or cinematographic criticism, theater, music: the diversity of genres that 20th century French philosophy has borrowed from bears witness to its remarkable fertility. Contrary to the compartmentalization that is often established between them, intense interactions have taken place between philosophy, literature and aesthetics. This is illustrated, each in its own way, by the work of Bergson, Levinas, Blanchot, Deleuze, Derrida, Jankélévitch, Michel Henry, Lyotard and Sartre.


Emmanuel Levinas holds a singular place in this constellation of philosophers who were his contemporaries and, for the most part, his interlocutors. The Bible and literature made him discover the fundamental problem of the meaning of the human. This question is the "golden thread" that runs through his work, from the first writings of the 1930s to the last texts of the 1990s. It is also the point at which his path of thought crossed that of other 20th century French philosophers.

Is the question of the "meaning of the human" the theme around which the questions specific to French philosophers of the 20th century can be articulated? Is it an anchor point or, conversely, a stumbling block, as is evident from the debates it has provoked, which are far from over today?  These are the issues that our conference aims to clarify.




Flora Bastiani, Université de Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, France

Hanoch Ben Pazi, Bar Ilan University, Israel

Corinne Enaudeau, professeur honoraire en classes préparatoires, France

Michael Fagenblat, Open University, Israel

Joelle Hansel, Collège international de philosophie, Paris/Jerusalem

Ingrida Krasauskienė, Head of Emmanuel Levinas Center, Kaunas, Lithuania

Monika Murawska, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland

Michel Olivier, Collège international de philosophie, Université Paris-Nanterre, France

Jean-François Rey, professeur honoraire, Université d'Artois, France

Michael Roubach, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Jean-Michel Salanskis, Université Paris-Nanterre, France

Ynon Wygoda, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel




Sunday, October 30th


10:30: Greetings


11:00-13:00  Levinas and Bergson 

Jean-François Rey, Université d’Artois, France

Human, non-human, dishuman: evil and the element in Levinas’ thought (texte français sur demande)

Hanoch Ben Pazi, Bar Ilan University, Israel

‘Learning’ and the consciousness of time


13:00-14:30: Lunch break



14 :30-16 :30 Jean-François Lyotard:  Humanism and Postmodernism

Monika Murawska, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland

The inhuman as human according to Jean-François Lyotard

Michel Olivier, Collège international de philosophie & Université Paris-Nanterre

A French philosophical identity: a bizarre point of view of Jean-François Lyotard? (texte  français sur demande)


16:30-17:00 Coffee break


17:00-18:00 Entretien sur Lyotard avec Corinne Enaudeau, sa fille (en français)


18:00-19:00 Sartre, Deleuze, Derrida

Jean-Michel Salanskis, Université Paris-Nanterre, France

The human: essence, norm, game and values




Monday, October 31st


9:30-11:30 Levinas and Jankélévitch

Ynon Wygoda, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

The Notion of Humanity and the Syntax of Forgiveness 

Joëlle Hansel, Collège international de philosophie, Paris/Jérusalem

Levinas, Jankélévitch: Variations on  Being Human (texte en français sur demande)


11:30-12:00: Coffee break


12:00-13:00 Surprising Levinas

Corinne Enaudeau, professeur honoraire en 1ère supérieure, France

L’inconvenance de l’humain : sexe, folie et nudité dans un essai romanesque de Levinas (en français)


13:00-14:30 Lunch break



14:30-16:30 Phenomenology

Michael Roubach, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Truth and its Pursuit in Levinas and Henry

Michael Fagenblat, Open University, Israël

Intelligibility and Answerability


16:30-17:00 Coffee break

17:00-18:00 Levinas in practice

Flora Bastiani, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès

The "intermediary sphere", the nursing look and the suffering body in intensive care unit (texte en français sur demande)


18:00-18:30 Levinas in Kaunas

Ingrida Krasauskienė, Head of LSMU Emmanuel Levinas Center, Kaunas, Lithuania

Keeping the Memory Alive – Unexpected Challenges


18:30-18:45: Conclusions and Perspectives